Helping the helpless recover their own money!
The PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) madness has started a few years ago in the United Kingdom, yet it is not new at all. In fact, banks and lending institutions have been wrongfully selling it for ages.
We have specialized in this industry before it even became popular. Our experts have won the first cases almost a decade ago. In fact, we are some of the pioneers in this field.
Our law company is one of the few companies that gathered together to make the PPI famous. After all, no one deserves to pay for something that was wrongfully sold to them. It makes no difference what kind of lending institution you deal with – get in touch with us, even if your loan has already finished.
The PPI policy has been wrongfully sold in a few different ways. Most importantly, clients of banks or lending institutions were not even told about it. While in theory the insurance is a good thing to have, not knowing about it makes it useless. We know how daunting those long contracts for loans are and we understand that without financial education, most people can be easily tricked into buying something that they are not aware of.
The other popular way to sell the payment protection insurance was convincing clients that it is mandatory for their loans or credit cards to be accepted – wrong! You do not have to buy an insurance if you do not need it. No one can force you to do that. However, in order to get the money they needed, lots of people accepted it and paid for it without even knowing that it was optional. We can recover your money.JESSICA LINDON
Co-founder and solicitor
Jessica Lindon is not just one of the co-founders, but also one of the main solicitors in the company. She is extremely efficient in dealing with all kinds of cases and has an immaculate record.
Co-founder and lawyer
Michael Atkins established the company with Jessica Lindon for general law practice. With time, he realized that literally millions of people were mis-sold a policy, so PPI claims became his specialization.
Solicitor and main secretary
Andrew Rea is one of the top solicitors in our company. He also works as a main secretary. He organizes most teams and assigns cases to other solicitors working in the company, not to mention our partners.
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